October 2016Welcome to Community News! You can find the newsletter online with links to program details, at the UA News website. To see previous versions of the Unincorporated Area Community Newsletter visit the archives.
Learn what King County is working on in your community The Community Service Areas (CSA) website includes descriptions of King County projects underway or planned for 2016 and 2017, in the seven unincorporated CSAs. Each work plan details the projects being planned and identifies the County staff contact for the project. Engage with King CountyApply now for unincorporated area grantsKing County Executive Dow Constantine invites you to apply for a 2017 unincorporated Community Service Area (CSA) grant that could be worth up to $5,000. Past projects include concerts and movie nights, National Night Out events and community signage. Use your imagination to find ways to make connections in your community. Details and an application can be found on the CSA Grants website. The deadline for applications from unincorporated area residents for projects in their community is Nov. 18. Awards will be announced in February. King County International Airport open house
King County is in the early stages of updating the Airport Master Plan for King County International Airport, also known as Boeing Field. The updated plan will serve as a 20-year roadmap to guide future improvements of the airport’s facilities, helping to ensure the airport’s long-term viability and enhance safety, and furthering the airport and county’s goals for economic prosperity, environmental stewardship and community partnership. The first of several open houses on the master plan update is set for Sept. 27 from 5-7 p.m. at Boeing Field. For details, visit the
airport blog
Public review of Cougar/Squak Corridor site guidelinesCougar/Squak Corridor is a 735-acre multi-use site in King County’s system of parks and open space. The draft site management guidelines, which are available on the website for public review, provide background information about the park, define objectives for managing the park, and provide recommendations for achieving those objectives. Public comment will be accepted through Oct. 4. Cedar Hills Regional Landfill tourThis is a great learning opportunity for the whole family – children ages 5 and up are welcome to join, if accompanied by an adult. The tour will take place on Oct. 15 from 9-10:30 a.m. Reservations are required and must be made in advance. To reserve your spot or to request accommodations or an interpreter, please call 206-477-4466, TTY Relay: 711. Cedar Hills Regional Landfill community meetingThese meetings provide an ongoing forum for area residents to ask questions and learn about activities at the Cedar Hills Regional Landfill and at Bio Energy Washington’s landfill gas-to-energy facility. The next meeting is set for Oct. 25, from 7:30-9 p.m. at the Issaquah Library, 10 West Sunset Way in Issaquah. For more information please visit the website. To request accommodations, please call 206-477-4466, TTY Relay: 711 at least one week prior to the meeting. For more information, please visit the website. King County landslide hazards workshopsKing County and the Flood Control District have released new landslide hazard maps, created with state-of-the-art technology. A series of workshops will be held across the county to help residents interpret the new maps and learn about landslide geology, how to reduce risk, landslide response services and more. The workshops start at 6 p.m. and are set for Oct. 25 at Lake Wilderness Lodge in Maple Valley; Oct. 27 at Meadowbrook Farm Interpretive Center in North Bend; Nov. 1 at Green River Community College in Auburn; and Nov. 3 at Tolt Middle School in Carnation. An open house will also be held on Vashon-Maury Island, date to be determined. Share your thoughts and ideas on the Veterans and Human Services LevyThe current Veterans and Human Services Levy expires at the end of 2017. The County Council must decide if it will propose a renewal of the levy. To gather public input on the current levy, successes and thoughts on gaps or improvements, a series of community meetings have been scheduled at more than 15 locations countywide. For more information and to complete the online survey, please visit the website. NewsExecutive Constantine proposes 2017-2018 budgetKing County Executive Dow Constantine transmitted his 2017-2018 proposed biennial budget to the Metropolitan King County Council today. The 2017-2018 proposed budget invests in Metro Transit, human services, and other important programs. It also makes reductions in the King County General Fund, which primarily supports criminal justice and public safety. A summary of issues impacting unincorporated King County will be available online later this week. Comprehensive Plan moves to full Council for considerationAt its Sept. 20 meeting, the King County Council's Transportation, Economy and Environment Committee approved its version of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update. The Council will now set aside the plan for two months as it works on the budget, and resume its deliberations on Nov. 28. To watch the video of the Council's discussion, visit the website. Best Starts for Kids Implementation Plan approvedBy a unanimous vote, the Metropolitan King County Council approved the implementation plan for Best Starts for Kids. The approved plan will guide how the County invests nearly $400 million over the next six years to increase the number of children who are born healthy and reach adulthood ready to succeed. Some services will gear up in the remainder of 2016 and the rest will begin in 2017. Immunization rates in King County schoolsCurious about how many children are immunized against vaccine preventable illnesses at your child’s school? Check out Public Health’s searchable map and read about the issue at the Public Health Insider. Northshore Community Service Center closing Sept. 27After many years serving the residents of north King County, the Northshore Community Service Center in Bothell is closing permanently. The last day of business is Tuesday, Sept. 27. After that date, please visit the website to access our online services, or visit one of our other service center locations in Shoreline, Issaquah, Seattle, Renton, or Kent.
Great Washington ShakeOut
King County Comprehensive Plan (KCCP)
Snoqualmie Valley/Northeast King County Area
King County Parks Play Area Rehabilitation Program update
The playground at Tolt-MacDonald Park is now open! This project was funded in part by the voter-approved 2014-2019 King County Parks, Trail and Open Space Replacement Levy.
Upper Preston Road Southeast road work
Road repair work begins Oct. 3, on the southbound lane of Upper Preston Road Southeast from Southeast 97th Street to 400 feet north. During the construction, which is expected to last two months, traffic will be guided to the northbound lane by temporary traffic signals.
Fall City Community Association meeting
Oct. 14, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., at the Fall City Fire Station, 4301 334th Place Southeast in Fall City. Monthly board meeting, open to the public. For more information visit the Fall City Community Association website or contact Ashley Glennon.
Southeast King County Area
Culvert construction
Culvert work on
228th Avenue Southeast
between Southeast 424th Street and Southeast 436th Street near Enumclaw has been extended to Sept.30. Local residents along 228th Avenue Southeast still have access during the closure, but other traffic is being directed to a detour route along 236th Avenue Southeast.
Community preparedness event
The Green Valley/Lake Holm Association is hosting a free, community event to address the importance of disaster preparedness with a focus on earthquakes. Join neighbors on Oct. 5, from 6:30 – 8 p.m., at Wine & Roses Country Estates, 17444 SE Lake Moneysmith Rr. in Auburn. Speakers will include Lynne Miller from King County’s Office of Emergency Management, and Tim Perciful of Mountain View Fire and Rescue. Questions? Email us.
Green Valley/Lake Holm Association
Tuesday, Sept. 27 & Wednesday, Oct. 26, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., at the Black Diamond Library, 24707 Roberts Drive in Black Diamond. Residents are welcome to attend monthly meetings to hear committee updates on transportation, environmental, and safety issues. The October meeting will include representatives from King County’s Stormwater Management Program who will offer remarks and answer questions about stormwater services and fees. Open to the public. For more information, or to subscribe to our mailing list, email the Green Valley/Lake Holm Association. Visit us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
Pacific Raceways annual public meeting
The Department of Permitting and Environmental Review sponsors this annual meeting to hear from local residents concerning the operations of Pacific Raceways. The meeting is scheduled for Oct. 11 at 6 p.m. in the River Conference Room at Green River Community College. For more information, contact Cathy Ortiz at 206 477-0353.
Vashon/Maury Island Area
The future of surface water management, services and fees community meeting
Learn more about what King County is doing to protect water quality through pollution prevention programsand what future needs are in the face of the county’s rapid growth and development. Join John Taylor, Interim Director of King County’s Water and Land Resources Division, who will offer remarks and answer questions about stormwater services and fees, on Oct. 17 at 7 p.m. at the McMurray Middle School, 9329 SW Cemetery Rd. on Vashon.
Vashon-Maury Island Community Service Area Plan forum
Oct. 20, 6:30 p.m. at the McMurray Middle School, 9329 SW Cemetery Rd. on Vashon. Community forum on the 20-year Vashon-Maury Island Community Service Area Plan. Learn more and share your thoughts on the first draft of this island-wide plan. All islanders welcome! Please email Bradley Clark or call 206-477-2449, for more information.
Limited deer hunt set for Oct. 15-31
Island Center Forest on Vashon Island will have a limited deer-hunting season, Oct. 15-31, when no other access will be permitted on 200 acres of King County Parks-managed forestland. Learn more by reading the news release.
CSA Vashon Days
Oct. 4, 1 - 6 p.m. at the Vashon Community Service Center, 10011 SW Bank Rd. on Vashon. Bong Sto. Domingo, CSA staff, will be at the center to assist islanders with resources and information. Please email Bong Sto. Domingo or call 206-351-8071, for more information.
West King County Area
White Center Shelter proposal
The King County Department of Community and Human Services is exploring opening a shelter at the former Public Health Clinic in White Center. The proposed shelter will house up to 70 people (50 individuals and 10 couples) and provide enhanced services, including extended hours, case management, meals, and other services. King County is exploring options for operating an enhanced shelter for homeless persons in White Center.
White Center Bike Playground Grand Opening
Join King County Parks, the Yes! Foundation, White Center CDA, and Cascade Bicycle Club for a grand opening celebration of the White Center Bike Playground on Oct. 1 from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Dick Thurnau Memorial Park. The Bike Playground will be a place for children and adults to learn traffic laws and the rules of the road on both foot and bike. Bikes, helmets and instructors will be on site, if you or your kids would like to learn to ride. The event will also feature local food and music!
King County Parks Play Area Rehabilitation Program update
The lower playground at Big Finn Hill is closed for construction. Depending on the weather, construction should be complete in two months. The upper toddler playground will remain open. Follow the Parks Plog for construction updates. This project is funded in part by the voter-approved 2014-19 King County Parks, Trail and Open Space Replacement Levy.
Skyway Solutions
Oct. 3, 5:30 - 8 p.m. at 13470 Martin Luther King Jr Way S, in Seattle. Skyway Solutions, a community based organization whose mission is to promote community-building, equitable development and neighborhood revitalization, holds it monthly board meeting on the first Tuesday of each month. Open to the public.
North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting
Oct. 6, 7 - 9 p.m. at the North Highline Fire District Training Center, 1243 SW 112th Street in Seattle. This all-volunteer community group group will hear a presentation by John Taylor, Interim Director, King County Water and Land Resources Division, who will provide information and updates on the proposed Surface Water Management fees increase. Open to the public. For more information, check the North Highline UAC website or contact Liz Giba at 206-605-3824.
White Center Chamber of Commerce meeting
Oct. 11, 6 - 8:30 p.m., Sky’s Barbershop, 9650 16th Ave. SW, in Seattle. The
White Center Chamber of Commerce
promotes businesses and community organizations in White Center. Open to the public. For more information email
Bobby Beeman
or call 206-444-0844.
West Hill Community Association Board meeting
Oct. 12, 7-9 p.m. at the Skyway Fire District 20, 12417 76th Ave. So. in Seattle. Monthly board meeting of residents in West Hill, often features guest speakers in addition to community reports and information from a variety of local organizations. Open to the public. Check the West Hill Community Association website or Facebook for details. For more information contact Sonja Bowden.
West Hill Business Association meeting
Oct. 18, 9 a.m., Skyway VFW, 7421 S 126th St., in Seattle. A monthly meeting of the business community of West Hill. Open to the public. For more information contact Cynthia Lamothe.
West Hill Community Association Quarterly meeting
Oct. 18, 7-9 p.m. at the Skyway Fire District 20, 12417 76th Ave. So. in Seattle. Monthly board meeting of residents in West Hill. Guests include John Taylor, Interim Director, King County Water and Land Resources Division, who will talk about the proposed Surface Water Management rate increases. In addition, a variety of community reports and information from local organizations will be presented. Open to the public. Check the West Hill Community Association website or Facebook for details. For more information contact Sonja Bowden.