Welcome to Community News! You can find the newsletter online with links to program details, at the UA News website. To see previous versions of the Unincorporated Area Community Newsletter visit the archives.
Engage with King County
2016 CSA community grant application period opens soon
The annual funding application opportunity for community organizations in unincorporated King County will begin just after Labor Day. Community organizations will have until Nov. 16 to identify potential projects and apply for up to $5,000 in funding to support local initiatives through King County’s Community Service Area Program. Information listing past awardees and the criteria used for this year’s funding is available on the CSA website.
King County Parks volunteer opportunities.
There are volunteer opportunities for individuals, community groups, youth groups, schools and companies coming up this fall. If you’re interested in restoration projects such as removing invasive weeds or planting native trees and shrubs to improve park natural areas or in park clean-up, contact Laurie Clinton for more information. Check out the website, and sign up for the newsletter.
Help shape King County’s first strategic plan for equity and social justice
A major priority for King County is advancing equity so all communities can thrive, and now you can help shape our first Equity and Social Justice Strategic Plan. We want to hear from local organizations about the equity issues that we can collectively address our partnership opportunities, and what you see as King County government’s unique role in furthering regional equity. Please fill out this survey.
CHOMP! Learn. Grow. Share.
King County’s first local food and sustainable living festival
Celebrate all that is fresh, delicious, local and sustainable at CHOMP!, Sept. 13 from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. at King County’s Marymoor Park near Redmond. Featuring cooking demonstrations from guest celebrity chefs, hands-on workshops to make you a better backyard farmer, kids’ activities, live music and so much more, CHOMP! will inspire, entertain and feed your appetite for fresh, local and exciting food and sustainability.
Public Alert System: Great way to stay informed
The Regional Public Information and Notification (RPIN) system is a free resource for residents to get notified about severe weather forecasts, health risks, safety advisories and emergency situations impacting the King County region. Register now to receive alerts by email, mobile text, and/or voice. Learn more about this countywide service, as well as flood, transportation, and city-specific alert programs on the website.
Operation WelcomeOneHome to end veteran homelessness
Landlords are needed in a countywide effort to help homeless veterans find permanent housing by year’s end. Many veterans have rental vouchers for housing in hand, but local landlords with available units are needed. Information for landlords is available on the OneHome Program website or by calling 206-336-4616. Veterans, please call this new central number for help with housing and services: 877-904-8387.
Lake to Sound Trail update
Work continues along the Lake to Sound Trail project in southwest King County. The contractor is currently preparing mitigation sites and beginning to construct the southern portion of the trail by clearing invasive species and potholing for utilities. When completed, the trail will link several communities through a regional trail that runs from the southern end of Lake Washington to the Puget Sound shoreline.
Work along Green River levees helps ensure community’s safety
Maintenance work by King County continues along a dozen miles of levees that protect the cities of Renton, Tukwila and Kent from Green River flooding. This work requires temporary, intermittent closures of sections of the Green River Trail, which sits atop the levee system through the Green River Valley. For additional details, read the newsrelease.
Bridges and Roads Task Force
The task force comprised of regional leaders and community members has been convened by King County Executive Dow Constantine and King County Councilmember Kathy Lambert. The panel is charged with exploring sustainable solutions for funding bridges and roads in unincorporated King County. The task force held its initial meeting on Aug. 12. For more details, visit the website.
Best Starts for Kids on the November ballot
An initiative proposed by King County Executive Dow Constantine to improve the health and well-being of children, youth, families and communities by investing in prevention and early intervention, was approved by the King County Council on July 22. By a vote of 8-1, the Council placed the six-year levy, Best Starts for Kids, on the Nov. 3 ballot. The proposed levy rate is 14 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value. It would raise about $65 million per year and cost the average King County property owner about $56 per year.
Vaccinate your pet against rabies
While rabies is rare in our region, cat and dog owners are still required to vaccinate their pets against this fatal disease. All pets from Regional Animal Services of King County (RASKC) receive their initial rabies vaccination before they are adopted. RASKC also partners with other organizations to offer low-cost vaccination clinics from time to time.
2015 property valuation notices
The King County Assessor’s Office of Lloyd Hara has begun mailing 2015 property valuation notices to property owners. The notices list property values, which are determined by analyzing recent sales of comparable properties in the same area as of the Jan. 1, 2015 assessment date. Visit the Assessor’s LocalScape My Revalue tab to stay informed about the 2015 revaluation cycle and follow us on Twitter.
WSU Extension fall forestry class in Preston
WSU Extension is again offering its popular forestry class for people who want to keep their forested property, of any size large or small, healthy, attract wildlife and even save money on property taxes. Classes will run on Tuesday nights beginning on Sept. 22 at the Preston Community Center.
Community Service Area news
Bear Creek/Sammamish Area
Cottage Lake Park playground construction
Construction will begin right after Labor Day with the playground scheduled to reopen at the end of October. This playground is being replaced as part of the King County Parks levy funded Play Area Rehabilitation Program. Throughout 2015 and 2016, seven play areas will be replaced.
Upper Bear Creek Community Council
For more information visit the Upper Bear Creek Community Council website.
Four Creeks/Tiger Mountain Area
Community Alliance to Reach Out and Engage
Aug. 24 & Sept. 28, 6:30 - 8 p.m., at the Lord of Life Lutheran Church at 12819 160th Ave. SE, in Renton. For more information, visit the website.
Four Creeks Unincorporated Area Council meetings
Sept. 16, 7 - 9 p.m., at Eastside Fire & Rescue Station 78 at 20720 SE May Valley Rd. in Issaquah. Visit the Four Creeks UAC website for the latest information.
Greater Maple Valley/Cedar River Area
Green to Cedar Rivers Regional Trail work is underway
The Green to Cedar Rivers Trail project is a combination of improvements to the existing trail and the new trail. The trail will link the Cedar River Trail to Flaming Geyser State Park; connecting the communities of Maple Valley, Black Diamond and unincorporated south King County. Read more about the project and sign up for email alerts on the project webpage.
Taylor Mountain Forest parking lot and trailhead development
Taylor Mountain Forest trailhead development includes expanding the existing parking lot, adding trailhead amenities such as a restroom, kiosk and hitching posts, and renovating or building 1.5 miles of trails. Work on the parking lot is expected to start this fall. Find updates and more details on the project webpage.
Taylor Mountain Forest Stewardship Plan updated
King County Parks has updated the 11-year-old Taylor Mountain Forest Stewardship Plan. In the years since the plan was originally adopted, King County has done extensive planning work and forest health work at Taylor Mountain, including stand analysis, forest regeneration treatments, stand thinning, tree planting, invasive plant control and more. Forest stewardship activities planned for the next decade focus on releasing conifer in hardwood-dominated forest stands and upgrading culverts where gravel roads cross streams.
Greater Maple Valley Unincorporated Area Council meetings
Aug. 24, extra “monthly” meeting with guests KCCP Update Manager Ivan Miller and KC DNRP’s John Taylor; and Sept. 14 with guest speaker: Sheriff’s Major Ron Griffin. Meetings are 7 - 9:30 p.m., at the Fire Station, 231st St and SR-169 in Maple Valley. Check the Greater Maple Valley UAC website for details.
This item submitted by the GMVUAC.
2016 King County Comprehensive Plan Update
On Aug. 4, as part of its continuing efforts on the 2016 King County Comprehensive Plan update, the GMVUAC submitted environment-related concerns and a complete set of economic development questions, concerns, and recommendations to Executive Office staff.
Snoqualmie Valley/Northeast King County Area
Fall City Community Association meeting
Sept. 11, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., at the Fall City Fire Station, 4301 334th Place Southeast in Fall City. Monthly board meeting, open to the public. For more information visit the Fall City Community Association website or contact Ashley Glennon.
Southeast King County Area
Green Valley/Lake Holm Association
Aug. 26 & Sept. 30, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., at the Black Diamond Library, 24707 Roberts Drive in Black Diamond. Visit us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
September Public Safety Event
The Public Safety Event will take place at Wine and Roses, 17444 SE Lake Moneysmith Rd. in Auburn on Sept. 23, 6:30-8:00 pm. Mt. View Fire & Rescue will conduct first aid and CERT training. For information on First Aid, CPR (Adult, Child, Infant), AED (automated external defibrillator) class schedules, visit the website.
Vashon/Maury Island Area
Pier Removal at the Maury Island Natural Area
King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks will remove a small concrete pier located on the southeast shoreline of Maury Island Natural Area. Construction will begin Sept. 3 and last through Sept. 18, and park visitors are asked to caution during this construction period.
West King County Area
Movie under the stars
Grab your blanket, low-backed chairs, friends and family and take in "Película Bajo las Estrellas" or " Movie Under the Stars," at King County’s Steve Cox Memorial Park in White Center on the evening of Saturday, Aug. 22. The movie will be shown in Spanish with English subtitles. The free event opens at 6 p.m. and the movie starts at 8:30 p.m. There will be food trucks, music and games. Like the event on Facebook and check out the blog post for more information in English and Spanish.
White Center CDA Promise Celebration
The fifth annual White Center Back-to-School Promise Celebration will take place on Aug. 28 from 4-7 p.m. at Greenbridge Plaza. Free backpacks will be given to children grades K-8, while teens grades 9-12 will be given school supplies. Live entertainment, free food, prizes and a basketball tournament are some of the activities to enjoy throughout the evening. Pre-register online by Aug. 26 to secure your spot.
Health and Safety Fair
Aug. 29, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Skyway Fire District 20, 12424 76th Ave So. in Seattle. Annual event celebrating the end of summer and the beginning of the school year with free backpacks, information booths and fun activities. For more information, contact Skyway Fire District 20 at 206-772-1430.
New lighting at Steve Cox Memorial Park
New overhead lighting has been installed at the Steve Cox Memorial Park’s outdoor basketball courts. Electrical upgrades are now taking place to support the new lights. The system should be available for night use in September.
North Highline area playground construction
Playground construction is underway at the South County Ballfields Park. The playground is scheduled to reopen in mid-September. After that, King County Parks crews will begin work on the Five Mile Lake playground, which is scheduled to be completed in mid-November. Both playgrounds are being replaced as part of the King County Parks levy funded Play Area Rehabilitation Program.
North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting
Sept. 3, 7 - 9 p.m. at the North Highline Fire District Training Center, 1243 SW 112th Street in Seattle. Monthly meeting of the all volunteer community council. Open to the public. Check the North Highline UAC website for details, or email Barbara Dobkin.
West Hill Community Association meeting
Sept. 9, 7-9 p.m. at the Skyway Fire District 20, 12424 76th Ave. So. in Seattle. Monthly board meeting of the all-volunteer association. Open to the public. Check the West Hill Community Association website or Facebook for details, or email Sonja Bowden.
West Hill Business Association
Sept. 15, 9- 11 a.m., Skyway VFW, 7421 So. 126th St. in Seattle. Monthly meeting of business and community members. On the agenda is the Assessor’s Office and a presentation by Skyway Solutions. Open to the public. For more information, contact Chuck Vitiritti at 206-772-9982.
If you have comments or suggestions about future content, please contact Alan Painter or call 206-477-4521.