August 2012

Unincorporated Area Community News

Welcome to Community News, King County government's monthly newsletter for unincorporated area residents. You can find the newsletter online with links to program details, at To see previous versions of the Unincorporated Area Community Newsletter visit the archives.


Aug 8
West Hill Community Association Board meeting

Sno Valley Senior Center Renovation celebration

Aug 15
Four Creeks UAC meeting

Aug 20
Vashon-Maury Island Community Council General meeting

Sept 4
Vashon-Maury Island Community Council Board meeting

Skykomish Valley Community meeting

Sept 6
North Highline UAC meeting

Sept 10
Greater Maple Valley
UAC meeting

Sept 15
WSU Extension Forestry & Wildlife workshop

Engage with King County

Executive proposes boundaries for 7 new Community Service Areas
King County Executive Dow Constantine sent legislation to the King County Council proposing boundaries for seven new Community Service Areas (CSAs) that together cover all of unincorporated King County, as part of his reform measures to strengthen the access of residents to their County government. The seven proposed CSAs reflect distinct communities of interest, with boundaries that were developed after extensive outreach and engagement with community stakeholders.

Community Service Area (CSA) team in a community near you
King County’s Community Service Area team in the last month has connected with community organizations in Renton’s West Hill, Vashon-Maury Island, and Four Creeks. CSA team members welcome your invitation to visit your community organization or site and learn more about the people and organizations that make King County vibrant. Contact Alan Painter, CSA Program Manager at 206-296-8734 with your suggestions. 

Grant opportunities available to support unincorporated communities
King County Executive Dow Constantine announced grant opportunities to encourage residents of Community Service Areas to become more connected within their neighborhoods. A total of $60,000 is available through the King County Community Service Areas Program for projects in 2012, with one-time project grants of less than $5,000. Applications are due Friday, Sept. 14 by 5 p.m.

Community meeting for Money Creek, Miller River and Skykomish residents
Skykomish Valley residents are invited to attend a community meeting at 6 p.m. Tues. Sept. 4 at the Maloney Store in Skykomish to discuss projects that could be pursued as alternatives to repairing the Old Cascade Highway. The road sustained major damage during the January 2011 flood.


Executive and Mayor announce innovative partnership for rural protections and urban densities
King County Executive Dow Constantine and Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn proposed a new development incentive program that will invest millions of dollars in community infrastructure projects in the South Lake Union neighborhood, while preserving the working forests and farms that supply Seattle and its residents with fresh locally grown food.

King County Customer Service Guide update

The updated Customer Service Guide is available online. The guide was developed as a customer service tool for King County residents, as well as a resource for King County employees. Easy access to a broad range of contact information will help you quickly locate the service you need and helps employees provide good customer service and direct members of the public to the correct place when an issue isn't directly related to their own work programs.

Sno Valley Senior Center Renovation Celebration!
The Sno Valley Senior Center is celebrating the completion of a major renovation and inviting the community to join them for light refreshments and tours of the new facilities. Thanks to funding from King County Housing and Community Development, the center spruced up three new program rooms, restrooms and storage, and added life-saving sprinklers throughout the building. The center serves seniors in Duvall, Carnation, Fall City and the surrounding areas. The celebration is Aug. 8, 2012 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at 4610 Stephens Avenue in Carnation.

Forestry climate preparedness and response website
King County unveils a new online resource for King County landowners and others interested in the relationship between climate change and forests. Learn how climate change could impact your forest and discover solutions for your property.

Removing invasive plants to benefit Cedar River salmon
What is it like to volunteer with Friends of the Cedar River Watershed at King County's Cavanaugh Pond? Find out by watching this video from Field & Stream magazine.

Concerts at Marymoor
The ninth-annual summer concert series at Marymoor Park is in full swing, and offers the chance to catch great live music at one of the region's best outdoor music venues. Visit the website for the full list of remaining shows and ticket information.


Presented by Overlake Medical Clinics, the popular First Tech Federal Credit Union "Movies@Marymoor" outdoor cinema series is sure to draw families, film buffs and outdoor enthusiasts to King County's Marymoor Park during the long summer evenings this July and August. Join King County for "Go Green" Night at Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory on Aug. 15 to learn how simple choices can save money and the environment.

Duthie Hill Road closure starts Aug. 16

The King County Road Services Division will soon begin the project to replace the Patterson Creek Bridge near the intersection with State Route 202 and Duthie Hill Road between Sammamish and Fall City. It will require Duthie Hill Road to be closed for approximately three months beginning Thursday, Aug. 16.

Road closure pending in Ravensdale
Crews from the King County Road Services Division will replace a failing culvert underneath Kent-Kangley Road in the Ravensdale area. The work is tentatively scheduled to start in mid August, and will close the road in the 26400 block for approximately a month. Watch for updates.

Renton Avenue South closure
Renton Avenue South will close for three weeks beginning as early as late August while a culvert and rockery are repaired and the road and sidewalk are repaved. King County and City of Renton are also improving the sidewalk along Renton Avenue South just north of this project. The sidewalk improvement project could begin as soon as late August and will require intermittent lane closures.

Summer safety tip: Store and use hazardous products away from food
Products can look like food. Children and adults can easily confuse edible products that are in lookalike containers. And a young child will naturally taste what they find. Find more tips on the website. Already doing the right things? Take our survey and let us know.

WSU Extension forest stewardship coached planning
Improve your forested acreage while learning how to keep it healthy and save on property taxes by attending one of WSU Extension's Forest Stewardship Coached Planning short course this fall in Bellevue or on Vashon. Early registration discount ends Aug. 31. Visit their webpage or call 425-357-6023 for more information.

WSU Extension forestry and wildlife workshop
Learn how to attract desirable wildlife to your forest while also minimizing damage from nuisance critters at WSU Extension's Forestry and Wildlife Workshop, Sept. 15 in Carnation. Early registration discount ends Aug. 25. Visit their webpage or call or call 425-357-6023 for more information.

Get your kids immunized
Back to school already? August is the perfect time to get kids up-to-date with immunizations. Visit Public Health’s Immunization website to learn about common vaccine-preventable diseases, find out about recommended vaccines, and get contact information for additional questions.

Slip, slop, slap and wrap yourself to prevent skin cancer
Did you know that skin cancer accounts for about half of all cancers found each year? To help prevent harmful UV rays from increasing your skin cancer risk, take advice from the American Cancer Society: Slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen, slap on a hat and wrap on sunglasses to protect your eyes and skin. Learn about using sunscreen and more on the website.

Write to an inmate in the King County Jail
There is a new way to write to an inmate housed in the King County Jail. You can send a secure email for about the cost of an envelope and postage. Visit the website for more information.

Did you get a call?
If you cast a ballot in the August Primary Election and the Elections Department contacted you, call back promptly. If there is a problem with your signature, you'll need to resolve it before your vote will count!

Community news

Four Creeks

Four Creeks Unincorporated Area Council meeting

Aug. 15, 7 p.m., at the May Valley Alliance Church, 16431 SE Renton-Issaquah Rd. in Renton

Greater Maple Valley

Greater Maple Valley Unincorporated Area Council meeting

Sept. 10, 7 p.m., at the Fire Station, 231st St and SR-169 in Maple Valley

North Highline

North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting

Sept. 6, 7 p.m., North Highline Fire District Office, 1243 SW 112th St. in Seattle

Upper Bear Creek

Music in the Park

Upper Bear Creek Community Council is happy to sponsor "Music in the Park" again this summer at Cottage Lake Park! Join us for a series of six FREE family concerts in the park Thursday evenings in July and August from 7-8:30 p.m. You are welcome to bring a picnic to enjoy in the park at 190th and NE Woodinville-Duvall Road in Woodinville. Visit the website for more information.


Executive Constantine Proposes New Rural Service Center for Vashon Island

King County Executive Dow Constantine announced a proposed partnership with Vashon Island Fire and Rescue (VIFR) to renovate the VIFR Association Building in downtown Vashon for use as a multi-purpose rural service center. Under the proposal, the new facility would house several County services, including a Sheriff's Office substation, District Court, and the Vashon Community Service Center. The County Council's Budget and Fiscal Management Committee will take up the proposal during its meeting on Aug. 21. If approved by the full Council, the new Vashon rural service center would open in spring 2013.

Vashon-Maury Island Community Council General meeting

Aug. 20, 7 p.m. Vashon-Maury Island Community Council General Meeting-McMurray Middle School, Multi-purpose room, 9329 Southwest Cemetery Road, Vashon

Vashon-Maury Island Community Council Board meeting

Sept. 4, 6:30 p.m. at McMurray Middle School, Multi-purpose room, 9329 Southwest Cemetery Road, Vashon

West Hill

West Hill Community Association Board meeting

Aug. 8, 7 p.m., Fire District #20, 12424 76th Ave S. in Seattle

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If you have comments or suggestions about future content, please contact Alan Painter at 206-296-8734 or