Welcome to Community News! You can find the newsletter online with links to program details, at the UA News website. To see previous versions of the Unincorporated Area Community Newsletter visit the archives.
Engage with King County
2016 King County Comprehensive Plan update The King County Council is currently reviewing the Executive’s 2016 King County Comprehensive Plan proposal, and will host briefings on specific aspects of the plan at committee meetings from April through July. Visit the website for details and note the special evening meeting on April 6, at 6:30 p.m., at Rock Creek Sports, 27132 SE Ravensdale Way, in Ravensdale. Public testimony is welcome at all committee meetings and online by visiting the Council’s Comprehensive Plan website.
Meet your County representatives at a town hall and open house
The 2016 Unincorporated Community Service Area (CSA) town hall and open houses in unincorporated King County will begin in April. The open houses bring together the local County Councilmember and representatives from the Executive, Sheriff and numerous other County departments to meet with local residents and discuss issues affecting local communities. All meetings, except Vashon, will run from 7 to 9 p.m. For more information, including locations, please visit the website.
- Snoqualmie Valley/Northeast King County on April 11
- Bear Creek/Sammamish on May 2
- North Highline/White Center on May 24
- Vashon/Maury Island on May 25, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
- West Hill/Skyway on May 31
- Additional CSA locations being scheduled
Best Starts for Kids
Best Starts for Kids is the voter-approved initiative to improve the health and well-being of children, youth and families across King County by investing in prevention and early intervention services. The County Executive announced the first action, a Youth and Family Homelessness Prevention Plan that is now before council. Community meetings will be held to gather input on service and program decisions. Meetings will be held from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on March 28 in South Seattle; March 31 in Renton; April 7 in Bellevue; and April 13 in Shoreline. Read the blog post for details.
Cedar Hills Regional Landfill community meeting
This community meeting is set for April 13, from 7-9 p.m., at the King County Library Service Center, 960 Newport Way NW in Issaquah. These meetings provide an ongoing forum for area residents to ask questions and learn about activities at the landfill and at Bio Energy Washington’s landfill gas-to-energy plant. For more information please visit the website. To request accommodations, please call 206-296-4490, TTY Relay: 711.
Cedar Hills Regional Landfill celebration
For the past 50 years, the Cedar Hills Regional Landfill in Maple Valley has served as King County’s primary disposal location. To celebrate the life of the landfill and the services it has provided, the King County Solid Waste Division will host an open house on April 23 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at the landfill. The open house will include a tour, remarks by Deputy County Executive Fred Jarrett and other county leaders about the importance of the landfill to our region, our residents, and our efforts to combat climate change. Reservations are required. To RSVP for the event email Anna Kegel or call 206-477-1693 by April 18.
King County awarding $500,000 in grant funds for historic barn preservation
King County’s Historic Preservation Program has re-launched its Barn Again Historic Barn Preservation Program. The first of two competitive grant rounds begins this spring, with up to $250,000 in funding available for qualifying projects. Another $250,000 will be available in spring 2017. Applications are due May 2. Visit the website for information about upcoming grant workshops, guidelines and application materials.
Wettest winter on record
Where does all of that water go? When it hits the ground it picks up bacteria from pet waste, nutrients from fertilizers, copper from pesticides, oil from vehicle leaks and other pollutants that become deadly to salmon and Orcas when they trickle into Puget Sound. Stormwater pollution is considered the biggest water quality problem in the Puget Sound region. Learn more about stormwater and King County’s plan to manage stormwater runoff, drainage issues and water pollution problems. We welcome your comments on clean water.
King County’s Bridges and Roads Task Force present final report to Council
King County Road Services Director Brenda Bauer and Deputy Director Jay Osborne, along with Bridges and Roads Task Force members Louise Miller and Van Anderson, provided a final report of the Task Force's recommendations to the King County Council Committee of the Whole on February 17. They shared the policy and fiscal strategies recommended by the Task Force to sustainably maintain and preserve the unincorporated road network.
World Water Day Celebration
Join us on March 26 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Brightwater Center to explore the world of water through activities for all ages including art projects, outdoor exploration, science experiments, tours of the treatment plant, and more. While celebrating World Water Day with us, make sure to stop by the GroCo truck and take all the compost you want for your personal gardening needs; you bring the vehicle, we'll bring the compost and shovels.
Section of Snoqualmie Valley Trail reopens
The Snoqualmie Valley Trail in the Stillwater area between Duvall and Carnation is now open. The trail was temporarily closed last June for safety reasons during construction work to repair about 1,100 feet of Snoqualmie River bank erosion and slope instability. The record wet winter and multiple flood events delayed the project and reopening of the trail. For more information on the project, check out the news release and blog post.
Marymoor Park Concerts tickets on sale now
A wide variety of artists will be rocking out all summer long at the Marymoor Park Concerts. Headliners include The Lumineers, Slightly Stoopid, Flight of the Conchords, Barenaked Ladies, Weezer and Panic! at the Disco. The full lineup will be released later this spring. Get your tickets now, before they sellout!
King County Parks Play Area Rehabilitation Program update
The Cottage Lake Playground is now open with all new equipment and safety surfacing. Progress is being made on the Five Mile Lake playground. Equipment is assembled and the next step is to install the rubber safety tile. Weather permitting, the playground will reopen at the end of March. The playground at Ravensdale Park will be closed for rehabilitation throughout April, May and June. These renovations are part of the King County Parks levy funded Play Area Rehabilitation Program. Follow the Parks Plog for construction updates.
Big Backyard 5K – Registration now open
Register for the seventh-annual Big Backyard 5K in support of King County Parks. The race is June 5 at King County’s Marymoor Park. Register as an individual or team by April 13, and get a hoodie for just $5!
Please license your pet
Representatives from Regional Animal Services of King County (RASKC) will soon be visiting neighborhoods around the county to remind residents about pet licensing requirements and ensure that all cats and dogs are properly licensed. Door-to-door visits will happen on weekends starting April 2. Pet licensing representatives can be easily recognized by a King County ID badge and RASKC shirt or jacket.
New book teaches kids about 9-1-1
To celebrate April as National 9-1-1 Education Month, the King County E-911 Program Office has created a new storybook starring Emery the Emergency Penguin to teach youngsters how, when, and where to call 9-1-1.The book will be available at more than a dozen public libraries around the county
Register to vote
Did you know that King County is the largest county to vote by mail in the U.S? Register to vote and get your ballot for the April election.
Public Health is exploring ways to improve onsite septic system services
Look for program representatives at upcoming Community Service Area meetings this spring. Learn more about onsite septic systems on the website.
Community Service Area news
Bear Creek/Sammamish Area
Upper Bear Creek Community Council meeting
April 28, 7-9 p.m. at the Woodinville Library, 17105 Avondale Rd NE, in Woodinville. For more information about the community council, visit the Upper Bear Creek Community Council website or the the Upper Bear Creek Facebook page.
Four Creeks/Tiger Mountain Area
Community Alliance to Reach Out and Engage
March 28 & April 25, 6:30 - 8 p.m., at the Lord of Life Lutheran Church at 12819 160th Ave. SE, in Renton. For more information, visit the website.
Four Creeks Unincorporated Area Council meetings
April 20, 7 - 9 p.m., at Eastside Fire & Rescue Station 78 at 20720 SE May Valley Rd. in Issaquah. Visit the Four Creeks UAC website for the latest information.
Greater Maple Valley/Cedar River Area
Hobart Closed Landfill Recreation meeting
A public meeting will be held at the Maple Valley Grange on April 6 at 7:00 p.m., regarding remote control aircraft flying at the Hobart Closed Landfill. Parks staff will send a mailing to the community notifying them of the meeting. The purpose of the meeting will be to hear any concerns from the community regarding the remote control aircraft club that operates at the site. If you have any additional questions please email TJ Davis.
Greater Maple Valley Unincorporated Area Council meetings
April 4 & May 2, 7 - 9:30 p.m., at the Fire Station, 231st St and SR-169 in Maple Valley. Check the Greater Maple Valley UAC website for details.
Snoqualmie Valley/Northeast King County Area
Fall City Community Association meeting
April 8, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., at the Fall City Fire Station, 4301 334th Place Southeast in Fall City. Monthly board meeting, open to the public. For more information visit the Fall City Community Association website or contact Ashley Glennon.
Southeast King County Area
Green Valley/Lake Holm Association
March 30 & April 27, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., at the Black Diamond Library, 24707 Roberts Drive in Black Diamond. All residents living within the boundaries of our Community Service Area are welcome to attend and participate in discussions regarding safety resources, mutual concerns, and ideas for enhancing our communities. For more information, or to subscribe to our mailing list, email the Green Valley/Lake Holm Association. Visit us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
Vashon/Maury Island Area
Vashon Community Service Center closes permanently
The Vashon Community Service Center has permanently closed. Permitting services, District Court, and the Sheriff's Office precinct will remain at the Rural Services Center on SW Bank Road. The U.S. Postal Service is expected to take over passport application services for Vashon Island residents soon. In the meantime, please visit the U.S. State Department's website to find another passport application center convenient to you. For more information about the closure, or to find alternate locations for county services, please visit the Community Service Center website.
Don’t trash your hazardous waste!
You can dispose of fluorescent lights, oil-based paint and more, for free. Pack it carefully and take it to the Wastemobile on April 15 - 17, at the Tjomsland Gravel Pit, 17001 107th Ave SW, on Vashon.
CSA Vashon Days
April 18, 1 - 7 p.m. at the Vashon Community Service Center, 10011 SW Bank Rd. on Vashon. Bong Sto. Domingo, CSA staff, will be available to discuss issues, provide resources and technical assistance, with community members and organizations. Please email Bong Sto. Domingo or call 206-774-4522, for more information.
West King County Area
Don’t trash your hazardous waste!
You can dispose of fluorescent lights, oil-based paint and more, for free. Pack it carefully and take it to the Wastemobile on April 22-24 at the Des Moines Marina, 22307 Dock St., in Des Moines.
North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting
April 7, 7 - 9 p.m. at the North Highline Fire District Training Center, 1243 SW 112th Street in Seattle. This all-volunteer community group hosts a monthly meeting to discuss local issues, including land use, public safety and human services issues. Open to the public. Check the North Highline UAC website for details, or email Barbara Dobkin.
West Hill Business Association Mixer
March 24, 7 p.m., Creston Point Apartments, 13445 Martin Luther King Jr Way S, in Seattle. A business mixer for local businesses, non-profits and anyone interested in learning more about the business association. For more information contact Chuck Vitiritti at 206-818-9478.
West Hill Community Association Board meeting
April 13, 7-9 p.m. at the Skyway Fire District 20, 12417 76th Ave. So. in Seattle. This all-volunteer, community group, hosts a monthly meeting to discuss local issues, including land use, public safety and human services issues. Open to the public. Check the West Hill Community Association website or Facebook for details. For more information contact Bill Bowden or Sonja Bowden.
West Hill Community Association meeting
April 19, 7-9 p.m. at the Skyway VFW, 7421 S 126th St, in Seattle. Elections of the board and guest speakers. Open to the public. For more information contact Bill Bowden or Sonja Bowden.
If you have comments or suggestions about future content, please contact Alan Painter or call 206-477-4521.