Welcome to Community News! You can find the newsletter online with links to program details, at the UA News website. To see previous versions of the Unincorporated Area Community Newsletter visit the archives.
Engage with King County
Community Service Area open houses
Please join King County officials to discuss public safety, transportation, County budget priorities and your own issues of concern at an open house from 7-9 p.m. in your community:
- Four Creeks/Tiger Mountain on April 14
- West Hill/Skyway on April 16
- Greater Maple Valley/Cedar River on April 21
- Snoqualmie Valley/NE King County on April 30
- North Highline on May 8
- Vashon/Maury Island on May 13
- Fairwood on May 14
- SE King County on May 20
- Bear Creek, TBD
This is your chance to be heard by officials who can make a difference. For detailed location and other information, visit the CSA website.
Friends of Big Finn Hill Park Trails
King County Parks is assembling a “Friends of Big Finn Hill Park Trails” group of community members to help organize various volunteer projects needed to make the trail and site improvements outlined in the recently approved Big Finn Hill Park Trails Plan. A meeting with King County Parks representatives will be held on April 23 from 7-9 p.m. at Finn Hill Middle School in Kirkland. For more information about the meeting visit the website.
Cedar Hills Regional Landfill community meeting
Cedar Hills Regional Landfill community meetings provide an ongoing forum for area residents and the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks’ Solid Waste Division staff to discuss conditions and activities at the landfill. The dialogue continues April 23, from 7-9 p.m. at the King County Library Service Center, 960 Newport Way NW, Issaquah. For more information please visit the website. For accommodations, please call 206-296-4490, TTY Relay: 711.
Cougar-Squak Corridor celebration
King County Parks and The Trust for Public Land have partnered to protect 226 acres of high quality forestland, which will be added to King County Parks’ existing Cougar-Squak Corridor. While the site is closed to the public in 2014 as Parks prepares for public use and completes the acquisition, a public celebration will be held onsite at, 10610 Renton-Issaquah Road SE on May 10 at 10 a.m. A brief program will kick off the event followed by hikes of varying lengths.
King County Flood Control District offers flood reduction grant
The King County Flood Control District is accepting grant applications to fund projects that reduce the impact of local flooding. Eligible applicants include homeowner associations, private non-profit organizations or associations, schools, special districts, tribes and King County jurisdictions. For examples of eligible projects and application information, please visit the website. Applications are due June 15.
Community Engagement Grants awarded
King County’s Community Service Area program has awarded grant funding to 27 projects and organizations in unincorporated King County. Grants for community enhancement range up to $5,000 each, with a required community match of at least one-fourth of the total project. More information on the grant program, including a full list of 2014 grant recipients and projects can be found on the website.
Watch your mailbox for ballots!
Ballots were mailed to all King County voters for the April 22 Special Election. There are important measures in the Lake Washington School District and the King County Transportation District in this election. Remember to read the instructions, sign your return envelope, and get your ballot back early.
Vaccinated against measles?
If not, visit the website for information on recent public measles exposures in King and Pierce counties.
Safety improvements continue on county-maintained roads
Crews continue to make safety improvements on several heavily traveled county roads. Safety features such as warning signs, guardrail reflectors and concrete barriers are being installed along 19 roads and intersections that have a higher-than-average number of collisions. Learn more about the improvements taking place this spring in your area on the website.
Landslide preparedness
In light of the recent devastation caused by a landslide in Snohomish County, you may be wondering what causes landslides and how you can be better prepared against them. King County Office of Emergency Management has some tips and resources.
Pay property taxes quickly and easily online
For taxpayers who pay their property taxes themselves, rather than through a mortgage lender, note that the first half 2014 tax payment is due or must be postmarked to the County's Treasury office by April 30. Residents who do not want to mail a check or visit a Community Service Center have the option to pay online quickly and conveniently from their own computer. For more information on property tax payment options, visit the website.
April 20-26 is National Pet ID Week
Stray pets with proper identification are far more likely to be reunited with their owner, and a pet license is an easy, inexpensive way to ID your furry friend. All cats and dogs living in unincorporated areas of the county are required to be licensed with Regional Animal Services of King County. Visit our website to license your pet online, or visit one of more than 300 licensing locations throughout King County.
Dahlias and Dirt - Gardening workshop at Brightwater Center
Join local award-winning dahlia grower Walt Jacenko and King County soil scientist Kate Kurtz as we learn the secrets to growing stunning flowers and creating fertile soils on April 12 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. We’ll have tubers to give away, a free raffle, and dahlia catalogs. Visit the website for more information.
How does King County protect the environment?
King County residents can learn how their County's natural resources are managed by reading the Department of Natural Resources and Parks 2013 annual report, "Environmental Stewardship in King County." The report outlines many of DNRP's activities and accomplishments during 2013. The department is comprised of four divisions - Parks and Recreation, Solid Waste, Wastewater Treatment and Water and Land Resources.
Community Service Area news
Bear Creek/Sammamish Area
Redmond Ridge grand opening celebration
The new synthetic baseball field and multi-use field at King County’s Redmond Ridge Park is now complete thanks to a partnership between King County Parks and Redmond North Little League. Through King County Parks’ Community Partnership and Grants Program, Redmond North Little League raised $1 million for the much needed upgrades to this community project. A community opening celebration is scheduled to take place on April 26 at the park. More details to follow on the King County Parks blog or subscribe to the King County Parks e-newsletter, for notification about the event.
Upper Bear Creek Community Council
CANCELLED - April 22 meeting
For more information visit the Upper Bear Creek Community Council website.
Four Creeks/Tiger Mountain Area
Four Creeks/Tiger Mountain CSA Meeting
April 14, 7-9 p.m. at Evergreen Community Church, 20112 SE 152nd Street, in Renton. Visit the CSA website for details.
Four Creeks Unincorporated Area Council meetings
April 16 & May 21, 7 p.m., at the May Valley Alliance Church, 16431 SE Renton-Issaquah Rd. in Renton. Visit the Four Creeks UAC website for details.
Greater Maple Valley/Cedar River Area
Greater Maple Valley/Cedar River CSA Meeting
April 21, 7-9 p.m., at Maple Valley Sheriff’s Station, 22300 SE 231st in Maple Valley. Visit the CSA website for details.
Black Diamond Open Space public meeting recap
King County Parks held a public meeting on March 26 at Tahoma Junior High School to discuss a proposal to build new mountain bike trails in Black Diamond Open Space. Recap of the meeting and next steps can be found on the King County Parks Black Diamond Open Space website.
Greater Maple Valley Unincorporated Area Council meeting
May 5, 7 p.m., at the Fire Station, 231st St and SR-169 in Maple Valley. Check the Greater Maple Valley UAC website for details.
This item submitted by the GMVUAC.
- Transportation 2040
The Greater Maple Valley Unincorporated Area Council, in conjunction with Four Creeks UAC members, conducted a comprehensive review of Puget Sound Regional Council’s (PSRC) update to Transportation 2040. Detailed comments were submitted to PSRC by the March 10 deadline with copies to King County officials. The area council fully supports PSRC efforts to ensure our region stays on track to develop a sustainable transportation system to meet the needs of people and business for the long term. The update provides an excellent framework to ensure the impacts of future growth on our transportation infrastructure is handled in a sustainable manner, especially with the movement to a use-based revenue system. The area council remains concerned about the lack of a sustainable revenue source to maintain road infrastructure in rural areas.
Snoqualmie Valley/Northeast King County
Snoqualmie Valley/NE King County CSA Meeting
April 30, 7-9 p.m., at Fall City Library, 33415 SE 42nd Place in Fall City. Visit the CSA website for details.
Fall City Community Association meeting
April 11, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., Fall City Library, 33415 SE 42nd Place, Fall City
Meeting will include Fall City way-finding sign and budget discussion. For more information visit the Fall City Community Association website.
Southeast King County Area
SE King County CSA Meeting
May 20, 7-9 p.m., at Neuwaukum Grange Hall, 38402 180th Ave SE in Auburn. Visit the CSA website for details.
Vashon/Maury Island Area
Vashon/Maury Island CSA Meeting
May 13, 7-9 p.m. at McMurray Middle School, 9329 Cemetery Rd SW on Vashon.
Vashon-Maury Island Community Council General meeting
April 21, 7 p.m., McMurray Middle School, Multi-purpose room, 9329 Southwest Cemetery Road, Vashon. For more information visit the Vashon-Maury Island Community Council website.
West King County Area
West Hill Community Association Board meeting
April 9, 7 p.m., Skyway Fire District #20, 12424 76th Ave S., Seattle. Check the West Hill Community Association website for details.
West Hill Community Association Quarterly Meeting
April 15, 7 p.m., Skyway VFW, 7421 S 126th St., in Seattle. Open to the public. Guests: Sheriff Urquhart and Chief of Staff Chris Barringer, King County Sheriff's Office, Darth Nielsen and John Sheller, King County Library System, and Pam McLaren from King County Regional Animal Control Services. Renton History Museum will have a display. Check the West Hill Community Association website for details.
West Hill/Skyway CSA Meeting
April 16, 7-9 p.m. at Skyway Fire District 20, 12424 76th Ave. S., in Seattle. Visit the CSA website for details.
Skyway Solutions Community Meeting
April 24, 7 p.m., Skyway Water and Sewer District, 6723 South 124th St., Seattle. Check the Skyway Solutions website for details.
Cambodian New Year
April 26, 10:30 a.m – 5 p.m. at SW 98th Street between 15th and 16th Avenue SW, in Seattle. 12th annual celebration of the Cambodian New Year Street festival. Live cultural entertainment. Staff from the King County’s CSA program is a guest speaker.
North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting
May 1, 7 p.m., North Highline Fire District Office, 1243 SW 112th St., Seattle. Check the North Highline UAC website for details.
North Highline CSA Meeting
May 8, 7-9 p.m., Seola Gardens Community Room, 11215 5th Avenue SW in Burien. Visit the CSA website for details.
Fairwood CSA Meeting
May 14, 7-9 p.m., at Ridgewood Elementary, 18030 162nd Place SE in Renton. Visit the CSA website for details.
If you have comments or suggestions about future content, please contact Alan Painter at 206-477-4521 or alan.painter@kingcounty.gov.