Welcome to Community News! You can find the newsletter online with links to program details, at the UA News website. To see previous versions of the Unincorporated Area Community Newsletter visit the archives.
Engage with King County
Meet Lilly Simmering, King County’s new food economy manager
Hired to help coordinate King County Executive Dow Constantine’s new Local Food Initiative, Simmering’s experience includes stints with the U.S.D.A. and Boeing, as well as degrees in public relations, political science and law. What’s more, as the daughter of Hmong farmers she knows first-hand what it means to think “farm-to-table.” The county’s Local Food Initiative will build on existing efforts to grow the local food economy, improve access to healthy local food in low income areas, and create a more resilient, sustainable local food supply.
Snoqualmie Valley farmers: Apply for farm pad assistance by March 21
Agricultural landowners or operators who work in the Snoqualmie Valley Agriculture Production District can reduce their risk of loss from flooding by building a farm pad or elevated structure, where livestock and farm equipment can be placed during floods. Eligible participants can receive technical and permitting assistance, funded by the King County Flood Control District, for building new farm pads or modifying existing structures during this year’s construction season. Applications for the Farm Pad Program are due by March 21. Visit the website or call Richelle Rose at 206-477-4815.
Lake Stewardship volunteers needed
King County’s Water and Land Resource Division is adding volunteer monitoring on 22 small lakes in unincorporated areas to the Lake Stewardship Program, making a total of 34 lakes to be monitored for water quality in 2014. To learn more about this program and the training workshop, visit the website. For more information, please email Sally Abella or call 206-477-4605.
Tax breaks for owners of wooded property
WSU Extension Forestry and King County are offering a free seminar on how landowners with wooded property can reduce their property taxes through the Current Use and Public Benefit Rating System programs. There are multiple programs available and the seminar will provide information on qualifications and the application process. The seminar is set for April 8, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at Fall City Meeting Room, Fall City Library, 33415 SE 42nd Pl, in Fall City. Pre-registration is required. Space is strictly limited and is first come, first served. To register, email Lauren Grand or call 425-357-6023.
Health insurance discounts
March is the deadline to buy health insurance with discounts from Washington Healthplanfinder – don’t miss your chance to save on subsidized insurance! The next open enrollment period isn’t until the fall, so visit the website today to get started. People at lower incomes who qualify for Medicaid can sign up year ‘round.
Recorder's Office new location
Looking for a marriage license or need to record a document? The Recorder's Office in downtown Seattle will soon move to the fourth floor of the King County Administration Building, 500 Fourth Ave. The new office is conveniently located just off the Fifth Avenue entrance on the east side of the building. The new Recorder's Office is scheduled to open on March 17.
Spring programs at Brightwater Center
Come to Brightwater Center for fun FREE programs for adults and families! Events in March, April and May include World Water Day, Festival of Frogs, Spring Gardening Workshop, the International Migratory Bird Day Celebration and monthly treatment plant tours. For more information, go to Brightwater Center website.
Safety improvements get underway on county roads
Look for safety improvements on several heavily traveled county roads over the next several weeks. Safety features such as warning signs, guardrail reflectors and concrete barriers will be added along nineteen roads and intersections that have a higher-than-average number of collisions. Learn more about the improvements planned in your area on the website.
Covington-Sawyer Road work coming up this summer
County crews plan to build several safety improvements along Covington-Sawyer Road near Kent this summer. We recently shared information and answered project questions at an open house. Visit the website for more information about the project and a map of planned work.
Watch your mailboxes for special election ballots in early April
Ballots will be mailed April 2 for the April 22 Special Election. Ballots will include a countywide measure. Read the instructions and get your ballot back early.
‘Winging it’ is not an emergency plan
Emergencies can occur with no warning. Do you have a supplies kit and a plan of action? Being prepared is essential to surviving disasters and everyone in the family should be involved in emergency planning. Unfortunately, many of us wait until a disaster is upon us, thinking we can just “wing it.” The Department of Homeland Security has created a series of humorous PSA’s that emphasize the importance of pre-disaster planning. Find more tips online.
Kitten season coming soon – spay or neuter your cat
Spring is almost here, and that means breeding season for cats. Be a responsible pet owner and prevent unwanted litters by spaying or neutering your cat. To help residents looking for spay/neuter services, Regional Animal Services of King County hosts Pasado's Mobile Spay Station at the Pet Adoption Center in Kent. RASKC also has a list of other low-cost spay/neuter options on our website.
Black Forest [29,300,000 tons] Community Event Opening at Cougar Mountain
4Culture and King County Parks invite you to the public opening of a site-specific art installation, Black Forest [29,930,00 tons], on Saturday, March 15 at 11 a.m. at King County’s Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park. The event is free to the public and will begin at the Red Town trailhead at the park’s northwest entrance with an introduction by the artist, Hans Baumann and remarks by the project partners. Learn more about the project and event on 4Culture’s website.
Firearm safety
Did you know that an estimated 31,000 households in King County reported storing their firearm loaded and unlocked? Keep your family safe by locking your firearms and keeping them unloaded. Learn more about special discounts on safe storage devices on the website.
Drop in obesity rates in communities where King County invested prevention dollars
The Centers for Disease Control released findings that show obesity rates have dropped in King County for the first time since data collection began in 2004. A 17 percent drop occurred in obesity among students in districts that were part of a large-scale, comprehensive obesity prevention program, while they remained unchanged in other parts of the county. With a focus on reversing health disparities, these findings show that we can make a difference and close the gap in health status when we commit resources and build the partnerships with community partners. Learn more by reading the Seattle Times article.
School to work
Learn about employment programs for high school students with a developmental disability.
WSU Extension online forestry class
WSU Extension is offering an online stewardship class this spring for people who have woods on their property. Learn how to avoid forest pests, attract wildlife, assess problem trees, protect your property from damage, and even save money on property taxes.
Community Service Area news
Bear Creek/Sammamish Area
New ballfields at Redmond Ridge Park
King County Parks and Redmond Little League are nearing the completion of a new synthetic baseball field and a new synthetic multi-use field. This is a community project via King County Parks’ Community Partnership and Grants Program. Redmond North Little League raised $1 million for the much needed upgrades. Final infill installation and Americans with Disabilities Act improvements are under way, with the fields scheduled to open sometime this month. A community opening celebration will take place in April.
Upper Bear Creek Community Council
April 22, 7 p.m., at the Woodinville Water District, 17238 NE Woodinville-Duvall Rd. in Woodinville. For more information visit the Upper Bear Creek Community Council website.
Four Creeks/Tiger Mountain Area
Four Creeks Unincorporated Area Council meetings
March 19 & April 16, 7 p.m., at the May Valley Alliance Church, 16431 SE Renton-Issaquah Rd. in Renton. Visit the Four Creeks UAC website for details.
Greater Maple Valley/Cedar River Area
Sheriff's precinct in Maple Valley reopens
The King County Sheriff's Office precinct in Maple Valley, also known as the Hicks-Raburn Precinct, has reopened. Sheriff John Urquhart made the reopening of the facility a priority when he took office. With the help of County Executive Dow Constantine and Councilmember Reagan Dunn, funds were allocated to renovate the old precinct building at 22300 SE 231st St. and bring it up to modern standards. A celebration is set for March 18 at 10 a.m.
Black Diamond Open Space mountain bike trail public meeting bridge
King County Parks is holding a public meeting on March 26 from 7 – 8:30 p.m. at Tahoma Junior High School, 25600 SE Summit Landsburg Road, in Ravensdale to discuss a proposal to build new mountain bike trails in the Black Diamond Open Space.
Greater Maple Valley Unincorporated Area Council meeting
April 7, 7 p.m., at the Fire Station, 231st St and SR-169 in Maple Valley. Check the Greater Maple Valley UAC website for details.
This item submitted by the GMVUAC.
- Regional Facilities in the rural area
Compelled by a recent decision to approve a development agreement that may allow a large regional stormwater facility in the rural area, the area council proposed to King County a simple revision to the King County Code. The proposed code revision preserves King County’s right to establish such facilities in the rural area in the future, but to only serve rural area needs.
Vashon/Maury Island Area
Vashon Rural Services Center now open
Residents of Vashon and Maury Island can now access a variety of King County services at the new Vashon Rural Services Center, 10011 SW Bank Rd. in downtown Vashon. Along with the King County Sheriff's Office, the center houses the Vashon District Court, the Vashon Community Service Center, and permitting services. A public grand opening celebration is scheduled for March 20 at 10:30 a.m. at the new center.
Vashon-Maury Island Community Council General meeting
March 17, 7 p.m., McMurray Middle School, Multi-purpose room, 9329 Southwest Cemetery Road, Vashon. For more information visit the Vashon-Maury Island Community Council website.
West King County Area
North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting
March 6, 7 p.m., North Highline Fire District Office, 1243 SW 112th St., Seattle. Monthly meeting open to the public. Agenda will include Q&A with King County Assessor Lloyd Hara and a presentation by Kari Boiter of the largest national medical marijuana advocacy group. Check the North Highline UAC website for details.
Skyway Solutions Community Meeting
March 20, 7 p.m., Skyway Water and Sewer District, 6723 South 124th St., Seattle. Check the Skyway Solutions website for details.
West Hill Community Association Board meeting
March 12, 7 p.m., Skyway Fire District #20, 12424 76th Ave S., Seattle. Agenda include a discussion of the King County Department of Permitting and Environmental Review code enforcement process. Check the West Hill Community Association website for details.
If you have comments or suggestions about future content, please contact Alan Painter at 206-477-4521 or alan.painter@kingcounty.gov.