March 2013

Unincorporated Area Community News

Welcome to Community News, King County government's monthly newsletter for unincorporated area residents. You can find the newsletter online with links to program details, at To see previous versions of the Unincorporated Area Community Newsletter visit the archives.


March 13
West Hill Community Association Board meeting

March 15-17
Wastemobile - Covington

March 18
Vashon-Maury Island Community Council General meeting

March 19
West Hill Business Association meeting

Friends of Island Center Forest meeting

March 20
Four Creeks UAC meeting

March 21 & 28
Ties to the Land workshop

March 28
Skyway Solutions Membership meeting

March 31
Farm pad assistance deadline

April 1
Vashon-Maury Island Community Council Board meeting

Greater Maple Valley
Area Council meeting

April 4
North Highline UAC meeting

April 10
West Hill Community Association Board meeting

April 23
Special Election

April 30
Property Taxes due

Engage with King County

King County farmers: Apply for farm pad assistance by March 31
Agricultural landowners who live and work in King County’s rich river bottomlands can reduce their risk of losses from flooding by building a farm pad or elevated structure, where livestock and farm equipment can be placed in times of high water. King County is now accepting applications for farm pads for this year’s construction season. Staff with King County’s River and Floodplain Management program can help with technical assistance and permitting on projects to build a new farm pad or to modify an existing structure. Applications are due by March 31.

Start planning now for CSA grants
Applications for the next round of Community Service Area grants will be available by our next newsletter. Please start thinking about how your corner of unincorporated King County could use grants up to $5,000 to stimulate activities in your community. Check out the CSA website for information about the grants and to see last year’s award winners.


Free household hazardous waste collection in Covington, March 15-17
The Wastemobile will be in the parking lot of the Fred Meyer at 16735 SE 272nd, Covington, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. All King County and city residents can drop off household hazardous waste items including pesticides, oil-based paints, automotive products (oil, antifreeze, auto batteries, etc.), fluorescent bulbs/tubes and other items free of charge at the Wastemobile. For more information, the schedules for the roving Wastemobile and permanent locations, visit the website.

Employment and education assistance available
Were you laid off because your employer downsized or closed the business? The Dislocated Worker Program may be able to help with career counseling, individualized training plans, scholarships and other services. Call 206-205-3500 or learn more about the program on the website.

Executive proposes replacing levies to keep King County Parks 'clean, safe and open'
Acting upon recommendations from a citizen task force, King County Executive Dow Constantine sent the King County Council a proposed a six-year, $360 million Parks Levy for the August primary that would enable voters to replace two parks levies that will expire at the end of this year.

Reduce junk mail with free King County service
Say “No!” to junk mail by visiting the King County Catalog Choice website to opt out of thousands of different catalogs, coupons, credit offers, fliers, newsletters and phone books. This opt-out program is intended for all King County residents who live outside Seattle. The same service is also available for Seattle residents at this link. For more information, read the news release.

Business Waste Line
Local Hazardous Waste Management Program offers business owners confidential, no cost help figuring out regulations, hazardous waste disposal, recycling options, employee safety and other issues that can put businesses at risk. Choose from a variety of services: waste management advice, online recycling with Industrial Materials Exchange, cash reimbursement or becoming an EnviroStar business. Call the Business Waste Line at 206-263-8899 to schedule a visit.

Pay property taxes quickly and easily online
For taxpayers who pay their property taxes themselves, rather than through a mortgage lender, note that your first-half 2013 tax payment is due or must be postmarked to the County's Treasury office on or prior to April 30. Payments paid or postmarked after this date are subject to delinquency charges. Residents who do not want to mail a check or visit a Community Service Center have the option to pay online quickly and conveniently from their own computer. For more information on property tax payment options, visit the website.

Transportation funding
With temporary two-year funding set to expire next year for Metro Transit, and with the impact of annexations on revenues for unincorporated roads and bridges, much needs to change to keep you and your goods and services moving in King County. Learn what’s happened to transportation funding at Our Transportation Future.

Be sure you’re ready to vote
The next election is the April 23 Special Election. Be sure you’re ready – check online to see if King County Elections has your current address.

Ties to the Land workshop for forest and farm owners
This succession planning workshop will be held March 21 and 28 at the Qualco Energy Center, 18117 203rd St. SE, off Monroe-Duvall Road. Cost is $40 per family and includes materials, dinner for two on both nights (additional meals available for purchase), facilitated workshop sessions and a question and answer panel with an attorney, a financial planner, and an experienced landowner. Visit the Brown Paper Ticket website to sign up, or contact Sarah Wilcox at 253-381-7651, or email

Community news


Food, nutrition and insurance assistance

Plateau Outreach Ministries along with Public Health – Seattle & King County is offering new food, nutrition and insurance assistance in Enumclaw. For more information, click here.

Four Creeks

Four Creeks Unincorporated Area Council

(This item submitted by the Four Creeks UAC)
The Four Creeks Area Council met with representatives from King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks last month to come up with a list of topics that are of interest to local citizens. We will be finalizing that list at this month’s meeting. In addition, we will have representatives at our March meeting to discuss the Executives proposed Parks Levy and to follow up a discussion on Surface Water Management fees. Residents are welcome to attend. Our next meeting is March 20 at 7 p.m. at May Valley Alliance Church, 16431 SE Renton-Issaquah Rd. in Renton.

Four Creeks Unincorporated Area Council meeting

March 20, 7 p.m., at the May Valley Alliance Church, 16431 SE Renton-Issaquah Rd. in Renton

Greater Maple Valley

Greater Maple Valley Area Council meeting

April 1, 7 p.m., at the Fire Station, 231st St and SR-169 in Maple Valley

North Highline

North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting

April 4, 7 p.m., North Highline Fire District Office, 1243 SW 112th St. in Seattle

Upper Bear Creek

Upper Bear Creek Community Council

Vashon-Maury Island

Friends of Island Center Forest

Island Center Forest (ICF) has been built upon strong and valued partnerships with Vashon citizens and non-profit stakeholders. To date, these partnerships have preserved 400 acres of forests and wetlands that make up ICF. The Friends of ICF include the Vashon Forest Stewards, Vashon Maury Island Land Trust, Vashon Maury Island Audubon, Vashon Maury Island Horse Association and the Vashon Sportsmen Club, as well as local citizens and neighbors. Friends of ICF meet the third Tuesday of every month at the Land Trust Building, 10014 SW Bank Rd, Vashon Island. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 19 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Vashon-Maury Island Community Council General meeting

March 18, 7 p.m., McMurray Middle School, Multi-purpose room, 9329 Southwest Cemetery Road, Vashon

Vashon-Maury Island Community Council Board Meeting

April 1, 6:30 p.m., McMurray Middle School, Multi-purpose room, 9329 Southwest Cemetery Road, Vashon

West Hill

West Hill Community Association Board meetings

March 13 & April 10, 7 p.m., Fire District #20, 12424 76th Ave S., Seattle

West Hill Business Association meeting

March 19, 5:30 p.m., Skyway Water and Sewer District, 6723 S. 124th St., Seattle

Skyway Solutions Membership meeting

March 28, 7 p.m., Skyway Water and Sewer District, 6723 S. 124th St., Seattle

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If you have comments or suggestions about future content, please contact Alan Painter at 206-296-8734 or