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2016 Comprehensive Plan

"Do Pass" committee recommendation on 2016 Comprehensive Plan

On September 20, the King County Council's Transportation, Economy and Environment Committee took action on the proposed 2016 King County Comprehensive Plan and the 2016 Real Property Asset Management Plan. The Committee voted on proposed Striking Amendments to both Plans and on individual amendments to the Striking Amendment to the 2016 Comprehensive Plan. The Committee then voted to move the legislation, as amended, on to the full Council for consideration with a "do pass" recommendation. Possible final adoption of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan and 2016 Property Management Plan at the full Council is scheduled for late 2016.

All of the amendments that were considered by the Committee can be found on the Council's Comprehensive Plan website.

The Council will continue to take public comments up until final adoption by the full Council, which can be submitted from the home page of the Council's Comprehensive Plan website by clicking on the "Submit online public testimony" button.

The full schedule for the Council's 2016 Comprehensive Plan update process can be found on the Council's website. If you have questions, please email

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