August 16 briefing and schedule update for 2016 Comprehensive Plan
Council review of the transmitted 2016 King County Comprehensive Plan thus far has included eight preliminary briefings in the Transportation, Economy and Environment (TrEE) Committee, as well as numerous opportunities to submit written or verbal public comment. Three follow-up TrEE Committee briefings are scheduled over the next month (see below for more information), leading up to possible action in the TrEE Committee on September 20 and possible final adoption at the full Council in late 2016.
The next TrEE Committee briefing on the 2016 Comprehensive Plan will be on Tuesday, August 16. The committee meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the 10th Floor of the King County Courthouse, at 516 3rd Ave, Seattle, WA. This is currently scheduled as items #6 and #7 on the committee agenda and will include follow-up discussion on issues previously identified in committee on the following topics:
- All Chapters in the 2016 Comprehensive Plan
- Development code updates (Proposed Ordinance 2016-0155)
- Real Property Asset Management Plan (Proposed Ordinance 2016-0159)
A written staff report on these topics has been posted to the Council's Comprehensive Plan website.
Follow-up on land use proposals will be discussed at the August 24 special TrEE meeting. The previously scheduled August 30 Comprehensive Plan briefing has been cancelled. The TrEE Committee Chair's proposed Striking Amendment to the 2016 Comprehensive Plan is scheduled to be made public in early September and it is anticipated there will be a briefing on this at the TrEE Committee on September 6.
If you are not able to attend these meetings in person, they can be viewed live on KCTV cable channel 22 or online.
There will be an opportunity for public comment on any aspect of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan during each of these committee meetings. Online public comments are also welcome at any time, which can be submitted from the home page of the Council's Comprehensive Plan website by clicking on the "Submit online public testimony" button.
The full schedule for the Council's 2016 Comprehensive Plan update process can be found on the Council's website. If you have questions, please email